Executive Career Management
Many lawyers are unaware of their options within the legal profession, where many attorneys are retiring, and firms crave experienced attorneys.

Know Your Value
Most lawyers don’t realize how marketable they are outside of the legal profession. Their education and experience give them:
- Opportunities in corporate America in a wide variety of in-house roles
- Higher compensation than their non-legal counterparts
- Transferable Skills. Transferable skills open doors to new opportunities and serve as a stepping stone to a new career, such as legal consulting, management, writing, mediation, and academia.
Your Situation
Early on in their careers, many lawyers are shocked to discover that the realities of practice are very unlike the attorney portrayed in television and movies.
Recent studies indicate that the number of attorneys expressing career dissatisfaction has sharply escalated. The reasons are:
- Lack of growth potential or security
- Severe, negative impacts on marriage, parenting and quality of life
- Long work hours filled with repetitive drudgery of motions and depositions
- Seven day work weeks
- Little or no sense of fulfillment from their work
- Stress related to creating billable hours
- Fierce competition in the courtroom, as well as in the office
This in turn is causing wide-spread substance abuse, mental health, and wellness issues for lawyers including
- depression
- anxiety, and
- substance abuse
which can all contribute to stress-related illnesses including heart disease “because of the unique interplay of the legal profession and lawyer personality” (per the ABA Journal).
Most lawyers do not know the full extent of their career options. Fortunately, at The Barrett Group, we know the full spectrum of opportunities available to you. We offer comprehensive career management that will allow you to take control of your future and create options to make your career financially and personally rewarding.
Contact us today and submit your resume for a confidential, complimentary consultation regarding your career opportunities.
Lawrence was contract counsel and project manager at a firm providing IT services that enables digital workplaces.
“I wasn’t prepared for a hard job hunt that would require good interview skills, an impressive resume, and finding the right people to talk to. The Barrett Group offered services for everything I needed.”
Before long, Lawrence was offered an interview and then a job at a more senior level and a higher compensation than he had had previously. He is thrilled to have landed at a company with great people and close proximity to the executive team.
“The company is not just interesting, it’s also growing. I’m in a higher position with more visibility, and I’m involved with some big deals with large companies and brands. Plus, the people at the company seem really happy to have me joining them!”
Lawrence, Senior Corporate Counsel
[Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.]
If it’s time for you to seek career counsel, complete the form below and submit your resume for a confidential, professional consultation with no obligation. Our programs are designed exclusively for executives who have consistently earned over $100K in total compensation.